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Dr. Colonel Narendra Kumar is the president of Tathaagat Foundation, bringing years of on-ground experience to set this dream into motion.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width=”stretch_row” columns_right=”yes” css=”.vc_custom_1649882004579{padding-top: 40px !important;background-image: url(https://www.tathaagatfoundation.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/tathagat-foundation-section-bg-1.0.jpg?id=51) !important;}” local_scroll_id=”pilot”][vc_column]

The initiative motivates and empowers community actors to come together and form citizens committee at community level and steer activities in collaboration with municipality for upgrading quality of life in their areas.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column][vc_column_text]The initiative can be used as a short term IEC and awareness intervention for making Swachh Bharat Mission a community led movement and ensure behavior change of citizens in sustainable manner. The initiative adopts a micro approach by selecting a cluster of colonies in pilot phase. It normally takes less than a month to achieve objectives of the initiative in pilot phase and the model and declare smart colonies. Since these models are developed within a city, elected representatives and citizens of other wards feel the positive impact and it can then be replicated in other areas. The community mobilization achieved by the initiative helps in effective implementation of Swachh Bharat Mission, National Livelihood Mission and National Health Mission, etc.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1649882020468{margin-top: 40px !important;}” local_scroll_id=”objectives”][vc_column]
- 24 X 7 Clean & ODF locality.
- Knowledge and awareness about the initiative to all residents.
- Functional door to door waste collection system for all HHs.
- Shramadaan, financial contribution by residents with proper documentation.
- Leading role of women in all activities of Monitoring committee.
- Special initiatives like plantation, painting, etc. to beautify the colony.
- Overall impact of the initiative on lifestyle and environment of citizens.
- Cycle rally – Cycle rallies led by the District Collector, Mayor & Commissioner of Nagar Nigam and active participation of councilors, government officials , citizens and students.
- Cleanliness pledge in colleges – Efforts were made to mobilize active participation of students in developing clean neighborhoods through the pledge.
- Drawing competition in schools- Drawing competition called ‘Rangrez by municipal corporation in collaboration with 94.3 FM. At the end of the event, 12 successful paintings were awarded and compiled as annual calendar.
- Advertisement in Print & Electronic Media– The Jodhpur Nagar Nigam extensively used electronic and print media towards generating awareness among the citizens related to Swachh Bharat Mission objectives and the activities carried out. These mediums were also used to organize cleanliness talks and broadcast cleanliness messages.
- Nukkad Nataks (Street plays) in Slums and at ODF locations: Nukkad Nataks were organized in Slums to sensitize the community to use sanitary toilets and maintaining clean neighborhoods.
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Moreover, working on a closed economy model is also challenging in the present times, where people trust machines more that people themselves – for a uniform produce. Though we believe these are key elements for sustainable development, being trained ourselves in the field of grass-root sustainability, climate is a key factor for any project / strategy that we take up.
Especially in India, where cottage industries have always been a backbone for our economy, a de-centralized, people based model also seemed the most logical option to us. This also gives us the advantage of creating hand-crafted products that are customized based on the person’s region / location, as well as the skin / body type – creating maximum customer satisfaction.[/vc_column_text]